Nala’s Favoritest Films #43 – “Big Fish” (2003)
1 min read
Nala’s Favoritest Films #43 – “Big Fish” (2003) An amazing film about fathers and sons and the perceptions of the lives we lead versus how we actually live them. I need to rewatch this again soon.
The old naladahc.com content?
1 min read
Sure. I resurrected naldahc.com. I mean, it never went away, but blogging and posting has changed so substantially in the past 28 years. I was blogging with hard coded HTML pages back in the long long ago before the word “blog” had even been coined. I’m going to try to find someone with database knowledge…
Quite a lot accomplished!
1 min read
To all those who said I wouldn’t get much done in 2025… I laugh at thee! Studio Naladahc, LCC is now official! Of course, I’ll likely never make an income off the project’s work unless I can finally get monetized on YouTube and that could take years. But I felt it best to have a…
Issue #137 of The Freedom Pals
1 min read
Several years back I had a grand plan to have various fan artists recreate famous Marvel and DC comics covers with the Freedom Pals. Here’s the work Aeon Sylver did on an homage to X-Men #137. Real life and other projects intruded and I haven’t had a chance to continue this project yet with other…
Slowly things are coming together!
2 min read
I’ve made a lot of headway in getting things ready. I’ve configured and run a few test live streams on YouTube and Twitch. Kick is giving me issues for some reason. The general streams are ok and working, but I’m having audio issues (often the bane of my existence) and I haven’t tested bringing on…
The Resurrection
1 min read
After many decades I am resurrecting naladahc.com. Odd to think that I’ve had this domain and had blogs back in the long long ago of the 90s even. And as someone from that era, I can truthfully tell you I really dislike WordPress and how it works. I miss my old Movable Type from back…